Special & Restricted Courses
Business College Course Restrictions
As of January 30, 2020
As of late January 2020, all courses from the Business College will be restricted for course enrollment during the first round . These new restrictions are:
Major - students with a first major in business at HUFS get priority
Student Type - regular HUFS students get priority
Course Registration Period
Exchange students will not be able to enroll for Business courses during the first round of course enrollment but will be able to enroll during half way through the second round of course enrollment.
Please check the additional notes (비고) under the Business College's course list in the Course Finder for the information below.
25학번 신입생 대상(신청기간은 신입생만/ 변경기간 설명 학부홈페이지 반드시 참고 요망)
For new students (Freshman) only
1전공자 우선수강 (신청기간은 1전공만/ 변경기간 설명 학부홈페이지 반드시 참고 요망)
Priority course for First-Major students during Course Registration
Special Courses
Graduate/"Major" Courses
You will need individual permission and a signature from the professor teaching these courses. Therefore, you can only register for these courses during the 2nd round of course registration after you arrive in Korea. You cannot register for these online.
Students interested in taking KOREA-related courses
TOPIK 1, 2, 3 Level Students
Click Course Finder
Click “Major/Minor" and scroll to “Division of Korean as a Foreign Language" - select courses for exchange students (교환학생)
TOPIK 4, 5, 6 Level Students
Click "Practical Foreign Language/Liberal Arts" and scroll to "Korean Studies for International Students" - select any courses
Restricted Schools/Colleges/Divisions
Exchange/Visiting Students are not allowed to take courses in the following:
Law School
Language & Diplomacy Division/Major
Language & Trade Division/Major
From 2024 Fall Semester, College of Education
Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation
Communicative language Course Restrictions
Communicative Languages (Liberal Arts - Practical Foreign Languages)
What does this mean?
This means that you are restricted from taking language-learning classes in your native language as it can make the class too difficult for local HUFS students who are second-language learners. For example, if your native language is German, you will not be allowed to take Beginner German, or Basic German Conversation.
division of international studies
Course enrollment for courses under the Division of International Studies will be available during the second round of course enrollment.
Major Restricted Courses
Each department can decide to restrict some (or all) of its classes by "major". That is only degree-students in this major at HUFS are allowed to take these courses. Even if a professor wants to give you permission to take these courses, the department will not allow it. Some times towards the end of the second round of registration, if there is room left in courses, the departments will remove this restriction but this is NOT guaranteed at all.
There is usually a notice for this in the Course Finder in the right most column.